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The first step to improving the health care system is measuring it so you know what to improve. Using analysis of trustworthy data, we highlight a variety of issues and trends, and share that information here so we can work together to improve the quality and affordability of health care in Washington state.

Highlights icon


Quality Composite Score and Total Cost of Care

Quality Composite Score and Total Cost of Care highlight tile hero image

Mar. 2025—The Alliance summarizes statewide medical group and clinic performance with its latest Quality Composite Score and Total Cost of Care results in a new Highlight.

See our key findings


Variation in Health Care Quality

Variation in Health Care Quality highlight tile hero image

Mar. 2025 —The Alliance's Community Checkup demonstrates, despite clear evidence-based guidelines for providers to follow, the quality of care that Washington citizens receive varies tremendously.

See our key findings


Total Cost of Care Utilization

Total Cost of Care Utilization highlight tile hero image

Mar. 2025—The Alliance's Total Cost of Care Utilization provides a comprehensive analysis of what was spent to provide health care by county, ACH, medical group and clinic.

See our key findings


Total Cost of Care by ADI

Total Cost of Care by ADI highlight tile hero image

Mar. 2025—In the first report of its kind in Washington State, the alliance shows that where someone lives, in many cases, can influence the total cost of care

See our key findings


Total Cost of Care

Total Cost of Care highlight tile hero image

Mar. 2025—The Alliance's expanded Total Cost of Care highlight provides a comprehensive analysis of what was spent to provide health care by county, ACH, medical group and clinic.

See our key findings


Quality Results by Area Deprivation Index

Quality Results by Area Deprivation Index highlight tile hero image

Mar. 2025—The alliance shows where someone lives determines, in many cases, the care they receive.

See our key findings


Health Care Spending by Washington State

Health Care Spending by Washington State highlight tile hero image

Mar. 2025—Washington state is the largest purchaser of health care in the state, paying for health care for one in three residents. Knowing know how much is being spent by the state gives us a starting point to help us begin to address health care cost and affordability.

See our key findings


Statewide Hospital Price Level Variation

Statewide Hospital Price Level Variation highlight tile hero image

May. 2024—An analysis of commercial insurance price levels compared to Medicare for services provided by acute, critical access, cancer and children's hospitals.

See our key findings


Health Care Waste by Area Deprivation Index

Health Care Waste by Area Deprivation Index highlight tile hero image

Dec. 2023 —In the first report of its kind in Washington State, the alliance shows that where someone lives, in many cases, can influence the degree of wasteful services they receive.

See our key findings